Managed Security

What if your data was stolen? Or if confidential information was passed on to your competitors? Even if you have security measures in place you could still become the victim of a data breach, costing you time and money.

How does it work?

We can monitor your systems, administer your protection and help plan your strategic approach to data security.

Protecting your data, protecting your business

Features our Managed Security

Systems monitoring takes a comprehensive look at your current systems and spots any threats – fast. Next, administration lets us manage all your security measures and keeps them up to date. And for total protection, our strategic consultancy services work with you in partnership to maximize the protection of your data.

System Monitoring

Anti-Virus | Systems scanning | Early warning signs of threats ​Systems Monitoring highlights issues and threats early enough to make your data more secure


Our administration service keeps data accessible and safe, provides the latest protection from data attacks and frees up valuable IT resources.


Our consulting service will give you complete peace of mind about data security by testing your defense system comprehensively and giving you an action plan to build up protection.

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